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Jun 6, 2019

He has spent the past two decades fighting to create a better world for animals and it all started by accident. While he was in grad school in the 90s, he worked security at a hospital at night. One night he heard some horrible cries behind closed doors and he proceeded to investigate. And, what he saw changed his life forever – horrific experiments taking place on live kitten’s brains. He took photos and contacted PETA, and thus began a seven-year stretch as an undercover investigator. He worked in fur farms, factory farms, circuses, primate labs - really in every industry where that terrible things are done to animals under massive secrecy. And in all of these industries, the only people who are really checking on anything are the animal undercover investigators.  

Matt’s footage has created awareness and sparked huge change in many of these worlds. In order to get the footage, he like all other undercover investigators, had to work horrible jobs with long grueling hours and minimal pay all while having to perform jobs that harmed, exploited, or killed the very animals he has dedicated his life to protecting. He has witnessed the worst of humanity yet somehow he’s positive, hopeful, and all love and light.

Since his undercover days, he has worked for many organizations - all in the fight for animal rights, freedom, safety, and welfare. He’s an advocate, an activist, and a hero. Animals everywhere are lucky to have this man on their side.